
Showing posts from October, 2012

SPM 2012 is coming~....

Woah~... I can't believe it's almost one year since I took SPM. Haha! XD I was kind of reluctant to post anything about SPM at first coz I thought: "Please. It's not like anyone's gonna read them. I'm not a star student after all..."   Yup! That's exactly what I was thinking about. After a while of blog-walking and all, I noticed that a majority of the bloggers I followed and some that my friends followed were blogging about SPM, exam fever and such. I felt kinda bad for not AT LEAST sharing one or two things that I did before SPM. Although I wasn't and still not a star student, but I managed to get a result that was far beyond my expectation and normal results. So, without further ado, allow me to share a few things about what I did before SPM, during SPM and after SPM. BEFORE SPM Since SPM will be in  the next few days, here's what I did: 1) I TOTALLY de-stressed myself. Meaning to say that I did not do any heavy studying, such a...

Dear God...

Dear GOD, Why am I so down lately? My fingers ain’t agile as before, My brain is not as alert as it was And my heart not as strong as it used to be… …………………………………………………………………… Dear GOD, If I got lost, Shrouded by darkness, Devoured by evil, Cloaked with coldness, Please show me to the right way, I’m too afraid to be lost in this forest, Too many paths to choose from, Each with different consequences, Help me pick the right path. …………………………………………………………………….. Dear GOD, If I ever did anything wrong, Please forgive me, You are the only one who forgives my mistakes, Humans take a long time to forgive, Even if the mistakes I made was of an ant, You are the only ONE I may turn to, The ONLY ONE I “can” turn to. ……………………………………………………………………… Dear GOD, If everybody else isolates me, Please don’t leave me by the roadside, I can’t stand the emptiness I feel inside, I can’t handle the chill it sends to my body, I can’t bear the pain it transmits to my heart. …...
"So shut up about “destiny” and “inescapable fate”….You shouldn’t whine about such trivial stuff! Cause… unlike me… you’re not a FAILURE."   - NARUTO
"The past is the past. We cannot indulge ourselves in memories and destroy the present."   - KYO KARA MAOH!
"There’s no such thing as a painless lesson. They just don’t exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can’t gain anything without losing something first although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you’ll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah, a heart made fullmetal."   - FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD
"Lying tears hurt others, lying smiles hurt one’s self"   - CODE GEASS

I said that? O_O

"People say I’m stupid, I agree. But, that’s never the reason for me to stop in the middle of the race I know I might lose. Coz I know someday I won’t be the last person to cross the finishing line. If I keep on going without looking back, I believe I’ll be the person I dream of being."   I never knew I was so full of motivation before. HAHAHA!!! XD XD XD Seriously, I never knew that. Haha! XD Well, I guess this was true back then. :) Coz I'm no longer a 'racer' that's always trying to fulfil social expectations of the people around her. I'm now a fighter. A PROUD one too... :') Still have to fulfil social expectations, but not bothering a single thing that they say when I don't though. Dang! It's sooo hard to explain in words! Hahahaha!!!! XD XD XD "I don't race, I FIGHT!"  

Let's talk about CDs~!!! Ngehehe...

Alright then, let's talk about CDs this time. Hehe. Actually, I wanted to do an entry on my other books BUT they're just too much to the point that I might take an hour or so just to take pictures. Haha! XD So, yeah. Brush that idea off. I'm gonna do it much much later on. For now, I'll do on the CDs that I collected so far. My sister has tons more actually. Haha! XD So, yeah, anyway, back to the point of this entry. I'm just gonna list some CDs here so bear with me! And ONCE AGAIN, I'm so VERY sorry about the low quality of the pictures. Remember the power saver bulbs I talked about last time? Well, yes. I'm in a room where the light shoots the spot where I took the front covers of the CDs DIRECTLY. HAHAHA! XD I was too heck lazy to find some other spots, so YES. Please bear with me people. ;) Anyway, moving on, here's some of the CDs I collected so far: INCOMPLETE SERIES:      Hiiro no Kakera Ouran High ...

More BOOKS!!! XD

Maybe you can already guess what the title means? Hehe. If you guessed I stole some expensive and interesting books from Times Bookstore, Popular Bookstore or Harris Bookstore, then you're gravely mistaken. Haha! XD I actually bought some awesome (in my opinion though) books from the said bookstores! Hehe. It's actually been a while but high-school-oriented college made sure I was well away from my laptop to do any updating in this little blog of mine. I can't believe I'm seeing spider webs in this blog again! Damn it~... *starts dusting here and there* Haha! XD Well, anyway~ I'm gonna talk about more books! Basically, I'm just gonna list some of them here. I actually got LOADS more, but there's just TOO MUCH for this post. I'll try my best to post one about the other books. In this entry, however, I'll only talk about the books I found interesting and might be worth reading. I haven't read them yet, but I soon will once the second semester is...

AS Examination 2012

Damn it~... Yeah, people. Just a few weeks left and AS will officially commence. Life's been stressful and tiring lately due to loads of "family events". Let you guys know in future entries, insya-Allah. Anyway, so yes. I'm going to face this AS exam on the 15th of October 2012. My last paper will be on 22nd of November. Imagine that? Woah~. More than a month of exams, but of course there are lots of gaps in between which is a relief. Although I want to get the exam over with, I still want to do my best. If I don't get straight a's, then I have to repeat the exam next year. A total waste of time and money! NO WAY am I gonna repeat! It will be too tiring~... Hehehe... Anyway, the timetable's out. I'm not sure which one will be easier for you to read, so yeah that's why there are two timetables there. Hehe. In any case, take a look at it (or should I say them? Hehe) : The highlighted, ticked and signed papers are the ones that I'll ...