A Song of Magic World

Well, let's just say I have a thing for composing lyrics and try to come up with suitable music. I  have no idea why! Hahaha! Since I don't play a SINGLE musical instrument, I just have to rely quite a lot on my imagination and my voice's ability to create the exact sounds I want for my pieces. HAHAHA! XD Anyway, let me know what you think, okay? Hehheh... ^^

Title: A Song of Magic World

In a world where war takes place
Where light and dark fight for their rights
Where children are soldiers at eight
One thing you must bear in mind

Light and dark are different things
Never do they ever mix
Constant war that separates
Life is defined as this

In a world where light and dark
Always fight to take control
Each with their own way to win
Victory is everything

In a world where war takes place
Even colour of the skin
Differs from each other
Light is fair and dark is grey

In a world where we came from
Is a place unreachable
A place where happiness can be found
Only through sacrifices
Through endless sacrifices…
